I have to assume the very real possibility that does not participate in anything. Last night I tried to discourage me
said, almost shouting, it would be a "financial father" when the law requires it, not before. Do not expect anything more. Abusive. He knows I'm sensitive and spiritual and talking about not seeing you I love you not going to hurt to the core. He succeeded. I think it's the first time around this time that does hurt me.
And I do not know if that is right for you. Every day I tell you, you are full of grace and deserve to be and always feel very loved. Your biological father knows that I prefer to disappear than submit to their scorn.
On the other hand, scares me to face your expenses. I've been working 11 years, always for me and always pay less than the two minima, without getting anything other than support and some savings to finish college thought.
I think being a single mother is not a reason for a company to pay me more. People tell me that you trust in God and I in a sudden and untimely crisis of faith I can only sing with Silvio RodrÃguez "... God, whom you gave in communion, God ... that makes eternal souls of children who will crush the pumps and napalm ... "
I know we'll get but I'm in an annoying web, and although I know these are my happy moments with you, the doors of your arrival or your departure rather, I feel a little empegotada of myself, unable to enjoy the I should when I should.
imagine your eyes and look ... try to concentrate on you ... to know I do it well ...
night. It rained a lot and today I cried less. I'm going home. There is a place like a "home" where we are staying and I'm sleeping quietly, not comfortable because it weights a lot, but quiet.
By the way, are a full of grace, a few days ago that one of your uncles, friends you have got a new grandmother and she is the one we have at home. How many people you care.
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