Sunday, December 20, 2009

Humorous 50th Anniversary Invitation Wording

... after teaching the Bible, narratology, need to finish the last item of 2009, my article for planting on adventures. Tomorrow without fail.

... and will be a year we travel to USA with my brother, the book I'm reading now (which is the starting point of my summer theory), Aby Warburg : The Image in Motion is one that I bought there, Bruce Wayne died in that time and is still dead

... in the gym, I'm sure that the tall skinny guy with a very intelligent expression lifting 30 kilos in all possible positions eventually talk to me, I mean, I always crossed and see what you socialize with others. and I will touch me, I will be challenged and my private realm of autonomy gymnastics (just broken up now for slightly ironic comments of coach, the style and skinny, How do you go with tubes? ") Will suffer their first threat. Which is exactly what I'm going to say when I talk I do not know, so plan a response is difficult. But at the same time necessary

... I like the retrospective of the decade, think of the bands of the decade, the scientific discoveries of the decade, the sports figure of the decade (Federer obviously, the other room for doubt). in my personal life is not difficult was the university decade now (UBA XXI in 2001, received in December 2009), the "decade of training, etc. and also the other obvious things associated with the transition from adolescence (in 2000, turned 16) to post-adolescence. was the decade in which he said "no" to drugs without first being tested and "no" to alcohol without finding one of the varieties that I find repugnant


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