1) Let's begin by accepting what we already know: that's it, there are literally no chance of doing things differently, the past was. I finished the race and never participated in a formal research area, never shared with a chair holder of anything but a class and no more than 2 (or 3, hopefully) they know my name. I had a scholarship incentive, I'm not seconded, or employee of any professor, I know what an internal seminar only because a friend told me. The works presented at conferences were always made reworkings of papers like any other paper. In the field of academic research my actual merits are equal to 0.
2) Then, solve for another matter. I already asked more than once if you "really want" is to be a researcher (academic) or if my immobility in this respect is symptomatic of a possible lack of interest. The answer is not entirely within my reach, but there is a reason that I think is right to move the question and ignore momentary: if you do not want to be a researcher (academic), then not really know what you do want to be so in the meantime it is best to at least try to formulate a research project and if it is not really my thing, I'll have to find out after having tried and failed before.
3) Do I have to solve this "now"?. The answer is "in principle" no. A year ago or a little more was the idea that if I failed for a scholarship in 2009 it represented some kind of failure. Today I truly believe that if I do not show in 2010, does not matter. There is an issue in the middle though, and is working. Since my aim is still to be high school teacher in the meantime (that is, while I find a way to live temporarily in academic research or while I decide that academic research is not my thing), the situation will depend largely on how it is going on in that role. I assume I'll get work, the question is whether it will be a martyr. If not, and I hope it is not, then it does not seem particularly necessary to have it finished by 2010.
4) Given these circumstances, one might say in my favor that at least I'm pretty free to choose. No I have to adapt to the demands and expectations of a tutor and I have to have anything done for a specific date. However, I can not say I'm completely free, since although no estoy apurado tampoco quiero plantearme un proyecto que exija 10 años de lecturas previas o que no pueda incorporarse a ningun ámbito de investigación existente. Además, por ahora, mi objetivo más visible (en parte porque no he averiguado realmente por otros) seguiría siendo la dichosa beca del CONICET (aunque esto puede reverse si surgen otras alternativas), así que en principio (pero esto puede cambiar) tendría que pensar en algo que pueda ser utilizado en ese contexto.
5) ¿Hay algún conocimiento previo más o menos singular que debería aprovechar?. Si pienso en las cosas que sé y que no son las que todos sabemos por cursar teoría con Panesi y dos o tres more subjects, I can think of these: 1) some history of art, 2) some musical knowledge formalized 3) something about comics 4) something about game 5) fully read the Old Testament 6) something on biostatistics and nosocomial infections ... and not much more than that. I know English language and I can read well in French and if I get to practice speaking it could return to moderately bad to moderately short time. Oxidadísimo my Latin and Greek is not even know the alphabet.
6) Given these circumstances, where to start?. Three things more or less accessible than delaying come some time: a) to read (and about) Aby Warburg. In that I am at this time. b) read about hermeneutics (Gadamer do not know if it Truth and Method is very long, but then again I bought it years ago and it could start it at least). c) find out what's hot in the departments of literary theory or related in large first-world universities.
of course, the ideal would be thinking things while I read these lumps, which I shall certainly a considerable section of the summer
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