2009 post December 30
I fear that this blog is filled with flashbacks, but I can not avoid an urge to write the classic post December 30, especially this year, which can be summarized quite easily.
2009 will be remembered, was a year where it unique look, and in many respects surprisingly positive. But let's start with the bad and / or mediocre
Aesthetically, an average year was poor, as evidenced by the records that I have today on my mp3 ... Marilyn Manson albums and Nine Inch Nails at the time could not enjoy one of Paul McCartney, two of Megadeth ... is not just for show. The other day @ superfarms lent me his mp3 to shuffle as he went down and made up 12 floors to buy a sandwich and was surprised how good it sounded. I said to myself, if I had a mp3 like this, I take the trouble to listen to good music, yeah. bah
equal eye, there was a great big exception to all this: Current 93, the band that I heard this year, and did not know before anything. I think the issue disk Sunset Black ships ate the sky is among the best things I heard in my life, and melodies of Soft Black Stars ... became the essence of my Sundays.
nothing in the film came on the heels of Batman last year, the theater almost did not go, and things I saw nothing seems to have been very memorable
and personally, aesthetically, only stands one thing after speculating on the matter for several years, finally started piano around May or June. my progress are slow, but noticeable. I'm playing a Brahms very cute that I get pretty bad.
other thing that started more recently and almost without having planned in advance, is to go to the gym. I do not want to brag, but I have something in their arms and I'm 90% sure that they are not tumors. for now, I still have the idea more or less firm to boxing next year, but will depend on many factors. I still think it was surprising hernán who suggested me for the first time (and I said I was crazy)
then go to the 3 major items: therapy, out-of-closet-graduation
(well thought out what I am describing not so much "2009" but "my 25 years", as almost virtually everything of significance happened between June and now, in the first half remained a self-taught keyboardist, a student of letters, a mad capped, a disservice sickly and one of the few minds of my generation who had not gone through the office of Dr. Freud)
write again soon about my experience psychoanalytic talked about college life to the tired and out of the closet, well not there are so predictable to say
socially was a good year, too (again, especially in the 2nd half ... is that nothing happened between January and May? ... I think the only thing I did in that period was to start my cycle of adventure games, read The Preacher and experience the loss of my bike)
well, actually, I'm wrong: I was in USA in January and that is no less from any aspect .. . however, I am tempted to consider it part of 2008, as all travel arrangements (especially the dreaded visa process) were in that year and the trip was the joyous culmination of all that the beginning of 2009, I think
after working 5 years in office the same horse, we moved to another a little better in Almagro 2010 will see major changes, I hope.
politically contributed Sabatella enrolling a bit with my family and 2 or 3 friends, I voted Heller (if I remember rightly), I laughed with Maradona and I read the Clarion because Bielsa support, between the modest and petty felicities of this year were counted events of the martyrdom of macrismo and rapid decline of Angel Cappa
liar "and leave it there then?: Happy 2010 to all
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Gall Bladder Heart Palpitations
It's a long way to the bottom
there you have my title, playing the game of the goose Sunday, December 27, 2009
Adderall And Teeth Grinding
The Longest Journey
say then that The Longest Journey finished my self-imposed travel the world of adventures. There are many who have never played, but perhaps the only regret having left in the road is the Gabriel's Knight . There will be time someday but today I have no desire to curl up on that. I've had enough rubber ducks pinched in inventory, enough worries in my hands and destinations. The Longest
... I have not much to say. Resolved about 60% of the puzzles, the easiest-and the other 40%: I searched google. It is certainly a journey and a long game, not as compelling as it should (is one of those stories as they are becoming understood they lose interest), but the design of many landscapes we travel is nice. Perhaps that is the best in the game, the variety, though a variety of elements beaten.
not compare with the great exponents of the genre or his sense of humor (though it has a couple of moments that are surprising, particularly with literary ironies of its protagonist and the fact that sometimes very raw language) or the quality of the characters and the dialogues in general. As well after the classical era of the genre, has at least the advantage of offering graphics without pixel, and the advantage quite well.
... I have not much to say. Resolved about 60% of the puzzles, the easiest-and the other 40%: I searched google. It is certainly a journey and a long game, not as compelling as it should (is one of those stories as they are becoming understood they lose interest), but the design of many landscapes we travel is nice. Perhaps that is the best in the game, the variety, though a variety of elements beaten.
not compare with the great exponents of the genre or his sense of humor (though it has a couple of moments that are surprising, particularly with literary ironies of its protagonist and the fact that sometimes very raw language) or the quality of the characters and the dialogues in general. As well after the classical era of the genre, has at least the advantage of offering graphics without pixel, and the advantage quite well.
Still, as usual, finishing leaves a feeling of melancholy (all what we did together, April Ryan).
basically already said all he had to say about graphic adventures. Now, purely subjective level, I'd say all that I played in 2009 The Dig was the big surprise ( Grim Fandango was as good as expected). Is exactly the opposite of Longest Journey: poor variety of landscapes, an adventure dried and concentrated, with virtually no dead environments supporting characters. Much more effective, for me, even though it has almost no sense of humor, which at times is rather difficult. ---
Friday, December 25, 2009
Goth Birthday Ideas Inside
1) Let's begin by accepting what we already know: that's it, there are literally no chance of doing things differently, the past was. I finished the race and never participated in a formal research area, never shared with a chair holder of anything but a class and no more than 2 (or 3, hopefully) they know my name. I had a scholarship incentive, I'm not seconded, or employee of any professor, I know what an internal seminar only because a friend told me. The works presented at conferences were always made reworkings of papers like any other paper. In the field of academic research my actual merits are equal to 0.

1) Let's begin by accepting what we already know: that's it, there are literally no chance of doing things differently, the past was. I finished the race and never participated in a formal research area, never shared with a chair holder of anything but a class and no more than 2 (or 3, hopefully) they know my name. I had a scholarship incentive, I'm not seconded, or employee of any professor, I know what an internal seminar only because a friend told me. The works presented at conferences were always made reworkings of papers like any other paper. In the field of academic research my actual merits are equal to 0.
2) Then, solve for another matter. I already asked more than once if you "really want" is to be a researcher (academic) or if my immobility in this respect is symptomatic of a possible lack of interest. The answer is not entirely within my reach, but there is a reason that I think is right to move the question and ignore momentary: if you do not want to be a researcher (academic), then not really know what you do want to be so in the meantime it is best to at least try to formulate a research project and if it is not really my thing, I'll have to find out after having tried and failed before.
3) Do I have to solve this "now"?. The answer is "in principle" no. A year ago or a little more was the idea that if I failed for a scholarship in 2009 it represented some kind of failure. Today I truly believe that if I do not show in 2010, does not matter. There is an issue in the middle though, and is working. Since my aim is still to be high school teacher in the meantime (that is, while I find a way to live temporarily in academic research or while I decide that academic research is not my thing), the situation will depend largely on how it is going on in that role. I assume I'll get work, the question is whether it will be a martyr. If not, and I hope it is not, then it does not seem particularly necessary to have it finished by 2010.
4) Given these circumstances, one might say in my favor that at least I'm pretty free to choose. No I have to adapt to the demands and expectations of a tutor and I have to have anything done for a specific date. However, I can not say I'm completely free, since although no estoy apurado tampoco quiero plantearme un proyecto que exija 10 años de lecturas previas o que no pueda incorporarse a ningun ámbito de investigación existente. Además, por ahora, mi objetivo más visible (en parte porque no he averiguado realmente por otros) seguiría siendo la dichosa beca del CONICET (aunque esto puede reverse si surgen otras alternativas), así que en principio (pero esto puede cambiar) tendría que pensar en algo que pueda ser utilizado en ese contexto.
5) ¿Hay algún conocimiento previo más o menos singular que debería aprovechar?. Si pienso en las cosas que sé y que no son las que todos sabemos por cursar teoría con Panesi y dos o tres more subjects, I can think of these: 1) some history of art, 2) some musical knowledge formalized 3) something about comics 4) something about game 5) fully read the Old Testament 6) something on biostatistics and nosocomial infections ... and not much more than that. I know English language and I can read well in French and if I get to practice speaking it could return to moderately bad to moderately short time. Oxidadísimo my Latin and Greek is not even know the alphabet.
6) Given these circumstances, where to start?. Three things more or less accessible than delaying come some time: a) to read (and about) Aby Warburg. In that I am at this time. b) read about hermeneutics (Gadamer do not know if it Truth and Method is very long, but then again I bought it years ago and it could start it at least). c) find out what's hot in the departments of literary theory or related in large first-world universities.
of course, the ideal would be thinking things while I read these lumps, which I shall certainly a considerable section of the summer
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Letter Of Enquiry Cars
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Humorous 50th Anniversary Invitation Wording
... after teaching the Bible, narratology, need to finish the last item of 2009, my article for planting on adventures. Tomorrow without fail.
... and will be a year we travel to USA with my brother, the book I'm reading now (which is the starting point of my summer theory), Aby Warburg : The Image in Motion is one that I bought there, Bruce Wayne died in that time and is still dead
... in the gym, I'm sure that the tall skinny guy with a very intelligent expression lifting 30 kilos in all possible positions eventually talk to me, I mean, I always crossed and see what you socialize with others. and I will touch me, I will be challenged and my private realm of autonomy gymnastics (just broken up now for slightly ironic comments of coach, the style and skinny, How do you go with tubes? ") Will suffer their first threat. Which is exactly what I'm going to say when I talk I do not know, so plan a response is difficult. But at the same time necessary
... I like the retrospective of the decade, think of the bands of the decade, the scientific discoveries of the decade, the sports figure of the decade (Federer obviously, the other room for doubt). in my personal life is not difficult was the university decade now (UBA XXI in 2001, received in December 2009), the "decade of training, etc. and also the other obvious things associated with the transition from adolescence (in 2000, turned 16) to post-adolescence. was the decade in which he said "no" to drugs without first being tested and "no" to alcohol without finding one of the varieties that I find repugnant
Friday, December 18, 2009
Clear Cervcal Mucua Before Period
luck to all
I received a Christmas present CLOUD, is a very special person, sencible, tender, warm, generous y. ................ better check it yourself.
Carlos Blogger leading wings of lead "
invites us to share a lottery ticket for the next drawing
day Dec. 22.
rules to implement this participation, we said that we must make
A comment on the blog of Charles and invite five other people.
http://aprendemosjuntoanuestroalumnado . blogspot.com /
Carlos Blogger leading wings of lead "
invites us to share a lottery ticket for the next drawing
day Dec. 22.
rules to implement this participation, we said that we must make
A comment on the blog of Charles and invite five other people.
http://aprendemosjuntoanuestroalumnado . blogspot.com /
luck to all
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Development Filmjuice
Let loose the right one in
I think in almost all vampire stories appears the problem of the distribution of gifts. It is natural, since the vampire is the need to remove (blood, obviously), but also the possibility of (eternal life, powers). Hence also all those games with the other donor symbolic of immortality, Christ, that Coppola used both in his film, but in Let the Right One In not seem to have no function, even through the cross.
gifts multiply. The story begins with a gift truncated (human blood) to be exchanged for something we can not know exactly, is only suggested. And the real story, the relationship between Oskar and Eli, the exchange begins with Rubik cube and instructions, continue with the offer of a code (morse), then with the blood covenant (also truncated), and thus continue to the grand final exchange. In between, the adult world has a similar logic of ordered goods in circulation.
Perhaps most Curious, compared to other symbolic systems of exchange, is that the stories come into play. In none of the enigmatic characters (or not so cryptic) know nothing but what they show. We do not know the origin of Eli, or the accompanying adult or the adult partner dies, even we know that is the role of Oskar's father's friend who breaks into your happiness and that seems to have a story behind too.
The key moment of this narrative no trading system is in the house of Eli, when she shows her mysterious treasures separable. Even when she offers money and told him not stolen, it is also a gift many people. This small table covered with mysteries in a department without any decoration seems just a symbolic rather than an economic treasure, we could imagine a context where it serves as motivation for long narratives interspersed.
Basically two things: please ask (and its counterpart, generously offered), as in the sequence of death of older women (can you please open the blinds?) Or the delivery of adult blood Eli accompanying, among other similar scenes, and defend against a violent attack (no need to give examples.) The brightest of the film is that in the middle of these two actions apparently contradictory pardigma not installed a moral. There are those who kill because they need it, like Eli, who killed following an exchange, as the adult who is with Eli, they kill because they like it, like Oskar, and those who kill because they are evil, as the dark companions Oskar. If terror typically embodies absolute evil and makes the earth move, I must say that Let the Right One In is only co-Oskar where you can capture some of that evil without object, that is plus evil.
Addenda after talking with my office mate : the fundamental exchange of gifts is not. Rather it is the one between the adult accompanying Eli and Oskar at first, destined to take its place (it is not uncommon that the two homologous characters never appear together.) In that sense there is no exchange of stories because the story is one, the server (the Renfield ) Eli in their cycles of ascending and descending.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
What Does Straw Warts Mean?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Dolomite Hiking Boots

Last Wednesday was the last "class" of it, and therefore I can now go to make the process for both titles. I estimate that on Tuesday. Tomorrow I can not, penultimate piano lesson before the holidays, penultimate therapy (calculus).
La novela que leí en el lapso intermedio, Las correcciones , me dejó un sabor agridulce. Fue como recorrer en un un sólo texto toda mi relación con el género: empecé algo confundido y molesto (¿quienes son estas personas, qué me importa esta descripción, por qué no estoy jugando al GTA IV?), luego rápidamente me subí al envión y la historia del teórico literario Chip me resultó considerablemente atractiva, leí las primeras 300 páginas en pocos días; pero después, ya llegando a la mitad, empecé a darme cuenta de lo mucho que me faltaba y lentamente mi desánimo fue apoderándose de la historia de Denise, la hermana menor: las últimas 100 pages read them with a sustained and methodical. The ending seemed weak moderately happy, despite my joy at having completed the libroera considerable. I decided not to read more novels about the summer (and if I read some, not more than 200 pages)
The Old Testament is a thing of the past. Likely to write about it soon. But not much, I'm with the idea of \u200b\u200bkeeping the light posting, at least until 21 December.
I become addicted to the gym and idiots extensions of Google, which strongly promoted among my friends. If you open Google Wave can see what is left of a series of speculations based on assumptions about the intellectual positions of star-system of Puan. Not bad as the Wave, seriously. If you need an invitation to me on a couple. Yes, I need to know your e-mail.
Let's see how we can recover the rhythm slowly, warming up for summer I've been projecting theoretical speculation for months.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Ceramic Tile Wall Trowel Size
... and ended with the Old Testament with the narratological streak and a couple of details, like the latter kind of teaching (the last step before starting procedures for the title), and I get more batteries with the item slowly trying to write,
meanwhile, general comments: I saw Josefina Ludmer, I'm using Google Wave (and I recommend it, even though it goes a little slower than it would be convenient), I'm going to the gym, I ended Corrections Franzen (perhaps discuss something about it when posting in earnest again, perhaps not) and some other things, in short, a few days ...
The Lord Of The Rings Symbolism
Today I want to banish,
of my life,
this feeling of loneliness
cast out sorrow,
to continue. That
hard and difficult road,
has cost me so much to build,
I can not feel guilty because others
bad time.
is that sometimes I am irritable,
but I'm tired to mourn,
hearing and swallowing.
there are goals in life,
that can not be achieved,
if I've learned to accept it, learn
When you love comes,
And is not reciprocated, born
Tiéndele hand
not let it pass.
not you insist on please,
because you feel bad, because I think
that you are going to love.
only apologize,
if you did wrong,
to escape my life,
me I can not drag.
My heart just wish you find happiness
and appears in your life who you know love
of my life,
this feeling of loneliness
cast out sorrow,
to continue. That
hard and difficult road,
has cost me so much to build,
I can not feel guilty because others
bad time.
is that sometimes I am irritable,
but I'm tired to mourn,
hearing and swallowing.
there are goals in life,
that can not be achieved,
if I've learned to accept it, learn
When you love comes,
And is not reciprocated, born
Tiéndele hand
not let it pass.
not you insist on please,
because you feel bad, because I think
that you are going to love.
only apologize,
if you did wrong,
to escape my life,
me I can not drag.
My heart just wish you find happiness
and appears in your life who you know love
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