Monday, March 19, 2007

Swelling Cervix In Adenomyosis

Flight (asking my parents) for my mom

Flight (prayer to my parents)

Author: * (c) * * JESUS \u200b\u200bALEJANDRO GODOY

Let me let go, but then search my hands groping those ambitions that never catch up.

deprive me not to hide from my lips the words To Talk incorrect then the words large and clear, those where the truth lies.

Leave me alone with my ghosts, but not away from me.

Átenme to miserrores because they will trace my ways, but do not judge me for my time learning.

See my steps and count them if they wish, again, their arguments do not write about my wandering footsteps, because each one shapes his destiny.

Laugh and wrecking my wings with your comments, but I always will be deployed where se alza el viento que me lleva al cielo que siempre he soñado.

Tomen mis manos y si quieren protejan mi cabeza, pero no cubran mis ojos de los errores, porque sé que cuando ya no exista nadie que me cobije, no habréaprendido nada valioso, si no he errado y contado a mansalva mis heridas.

Déjenme fallar cuanto pueda y por el tiempo que sea necesario, pero no aplaudan mi insensatez ni mi ignorancia, porque jamás querré que aquellos aquienes amo o amaré, se vuelvan contra mí, y me transformen en carne dedesperdicio. Pero… ¡hay de mí si se vuelven como yo! Preferiría que mi cabeza sea estacada y paseada frente a todos aquellos que optaron por vencer sus limitaciones sin saber si algún day come to fruition.

misguided Behold my movements, but I never told to stop walking. No one will believe when I say that death by my own hands is a sign of courage and a dignified solution to all problems, because I know that's not true, and never will be, as I look to those who become homeless kings walking their struggles by my door, and inviting me to their evenings aunirme defeats standing, waiting for an opportunity to darun step towards a new challenge.

Follow me in my climbing, and see that even desperate, the only truth I know is the one that says that I can get beyond what others are saying demi, because they never exist in this land now flat, no one who can tell me how much I am worth, when my eyes are opened every morning eager to find new paths.

Watch me fly through stormy weather, and distrust of their senses when my wings are deployed as powerful and proud to live my palabrasgrabadas pillars where a fire, talking about everything I've been, what I am and what I will.

Leave me alone, but never cease to guide me, because even if one and only, in my heaven there are still many stars to count.

See how hard it my way, and let me go through it in the shadows of intolerance and uncertainty, in turn, I will show that demis final steps, I will become the dream I've always wanted, and I will be so big and so strong, that not all the smiles and the joys of the world fit into their hearts.

Let me wander in the shadows, because this is my time, and never let up Antelo own or others' thoughts they want to see my body eaten by worms, because I have come to fulfill my dreams and my desires, and today I have no plans to visit the heavens without trying to make realidad.Miren my time, talk about my time that has already begun, and that those gossip that I can not do so, because the words of encouragement are discouraging words miscaminos and my reason to continue.

Let me wander as I can, Let me go to the wind of the new and the unknown, because I was born to be deer of all, because I was born to be king of my victories. Talk about my flight, talk of my time ... because this is my time.


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