... The wind was holding a small silent birch and shook his gnarled branches. Outbreaks premature quivered and danced with them unsafe. The gulls were resting in their nests and, on clear nights, Tora roamed the beaches, approached the birds and watching them in their beady eyes of a bird. He felt a sudden happiness at being alone, to be living something for which nobody had words. That meant a kind of naked vulnerability that gave him a good feeling.

'The room moves' (Nordic Books) is the second part of the Tora trilogy, continuing 'La casa del mirador blind' successfully published last year by Northern Books.
In novels the Norwegian Wassmer Herbjørg onde d is located within its pages the congratulations of reading. The answer to why you decided to become player in his day and dive into other lives. As 'La casa del mirador blind' in 'The room moves' same thing happens, the story, the novel does not let go, is one of those novels that you can not drop, Tora , its protagonist, is gets under your skin and grabs you hard, and the reader reads as if possessed, attracted by a magnet which is none other than the light given off by this girl.
'The room move ' not disappoint, whether with ' La casa del mirador blind ' the bar was very, very high, is still at the same height, does not disappoint but widens the focus coming from the room where cruel took the dangerous way to let us see each of the corners of the island, more fully, with delight. Then Wassmer Herbjørg and folds back and focus again on Tora and these three women is so close. Four women lie down with their world and their way of facing life, each with its own particular way: Aunt Rakel with his courage, the neighboring Sol their transgression and their disagreement, the mother Ingrid, to which the word "mother" comes loose it does not deserve for his reprehensible conduct, reprehensible, and always look elsewhere and not wanting to see, and Torah Tora always, with his strength and improvement.
Herbjørg Wassmer besides writing novels brilliantly intense, beautiful, that move, excite, impact, gives visibility to a deplorable fact is there: child abuse. Gives visibility to something that should not occur and the reader both casings stirring becomes custodian of Tora and is involved in its history to make it yours.
Tora, the female character perfectly outlined by Herbjørg Wassmer. The heroine of our Europe. The heroine of modern European literature. In 'The room moves' becomes heartbreaking woman into a jump that lets you enjoy either of adolescence. The reader knows Tora live with him and accompany life to this girl who 'The room moves' leaves behind his island and the danger , but it carries a burden, a burden inhumane. Tora needs us and we need to Tora , we want to be with her until the end and a little further.
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