Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kitchener Used Excercise Equipment

"THE YEAR OF Saeko" by Kyoichi Katayama by MARIA SANZ AIXA

- Who am I?

"The person I've always been looking for.

was the answer he wanted to hear, (...)

"Well, I've found.

The island was belittling his back. In the distance, sky and sea, covered by the fog, melted into milky light. A little later, with a tone I familiar with silence, Saeko said

"Do not forget, eh?

He turned. He caught her gaze.

"Do not forget that you wanted. Living looking for you. Remember, always, this, "he added with a voice that was only visible for a moment fleeting.

Alfaguara publishing 'Year of Saeko' the new novel by Kyoichi Katayama , author of 'A cry of love from the center of the world ' the most widely read Japanese novel in recent years.
'Year of Saeko' is a beautiful novel. A profound story of unconditional love with a beautiful development and unexpected ending. That confirms the stories of unconditional love are the oxygen of humanity, without them, no living or at least read them all would be more difficult. 'Year of Saeko' literature is an example of precision, minimal literature that stops at the small gestures of the body, attitude, day by day. In 'Year of Saeko' is read into silence.
of Saeko's and Shun'ichi is a poignantly beautiful story. Where Kyoichi Katayama layer by layer, word for word, paragraph by paragraph, page by page leads to the heart of the characters and history. A story that balances between sanity and madness, between the possible and impossible, in a sign of deep love, of feeling full, where Saeko Shun'ichi and are the antithesis of each other but for that magic that has the love complementary and fit together like two pieces of the same gear.

- Do you also work?
"Yes I will work. My job will run you.
- Think you can? , Expressed his fear.
-Leave it to me. Everything will be fine-at the moment to say, he felt disappeared Shun'ichi the concerns that had driven and how long was filled with wonderful humor.

From the voice of Shun'ichi consistency comes the voice of Saeko impulses of life. Kyoichi Katayama than narrate a love story gives us a novel full of little stories as stories, such as jewelry, and a sane reflections on the world in which we live, death and life, the impact of man on Earth and human relations: an example of this is the memorable monologue Yamazaki while patrolling the streets with Shun'ichi or soliloquies of self Shun'ichi in the park or on the subway.
'Year of Saeko' is a beautiful novel, which remains in the reader's heart as one of her favorite reads because it found a love of art installed in the middle of life, half of the heart of the Earth and from its pages feel the pulse of the same.


Also published in the Journal Rick .


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