Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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"Chronicles of indifference" by Elena Ferrante AIXA SANZ MARIA

…Un cuerpo de mujer hace mil cosas distintas, trabaja, corre, estudia, fantasea, invented, is running out, and meanwhile the breasts enlarge, sex lips swollen, throbbing meat ...

In the book: 'Chronicles of indifference' (Lumen) meet the three novels written by Elena Ferrante , published between 1992 and 2006. 'Love annoying', 'The days of abandonment' and 'The dark child. "

Three beautiful novels that beat within the reader. Elena Ferrante shown in the three that has the power to distress, harass, catch and reflect the reader. A portrait of the feminine universe more acute, incisive, authentic to be found in the literature.

Elena Ferrante not use subterfuge or tricks to fool the reader, is Mediterranean, is to call a spade a spade, just read to check the sex scenes are real, tangible, no flyers, no euphemisms, just poke, portrait and shows the inside of women, calling each by name sentiment.

The nexus of the three novels are the likes and phobias that each writer and emerge has consciously or unconsciously in his work. Elena Ferrante those are children, the influence of the mother, not to be overlapped or dominated by any man, the repetitive occurrence each of a man 15 years older than the character as a counterpoint, the constant struggle , hard, brutal as a woman in its own right and not being shut down or become blurred into a marriage and / or about children. Elena Ferrante splendidly portrays the battle that is being a woman in its own despite the circumstances.

A tough battle but lost and not worth fighting, as shown in each novel. So Delia, Olga and Leda, the three protagonists, we demonstrate the immense capacity that has made the woman herself, and if you fall, rise again and walk again even stronger.

'Chronicles of indifference' in a beautiful and successful way to find the feminine universe. It is an excellent portrait of modern Mediterranean women. A book that comes into convulsions reading thus becomes necessary and if the reader still has doubts there is some Elena Ferrante can still impress more, nobody knows. His only portrait, his unique biography, the only way to show the world is that we get from reading his novels.


Published: ALMI


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