Por la noche,
when I have nothing to do,
my mind is immersed in darkness,
and even shadows can locate it.
Yes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....,
in the dark, my ghosts are
, travel
not let me rest.
I travel between these memories,
I have done hard time.
turn on the light,
seeking peace.
But my ghosts,
not in the dark of night,
refuge in the brain,
and that however much I try,
light does not reach inside. Another
sitting on the bed,
before you, where I thought
that writing
my pain would go.
But I suffer not only from within, I have
also reflected here.
my suffering,
sometimes takes my breath away,
and in others the desire to continue.
when I have nothing to do,
my mind is immersed in darkness,
and even shadows can locate it.
Yes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....,
in the dark, my ghosts are
, travel
not let me rest.
I travel between these memories,
I have done hard time.
turn on the light,
seeking peace.
But my ghosts,
not in the dark of night,
refuge in the brain,
and that however much I try,
light does not reach inside. Another
sitting on the bed,
before you, where I thought
that writing
my pain would go.
But I suffer not only from within, I have
also reflected here.
my suffering,
sometimes takes my breath away,
and in others the desire to continue.