ghost Interlude: my papers narrative take this brief pause to acknowledge the appreciative comments received by these chronic runners. Seem to be one of the biggest hits of this blog, which still amazes me even more sure that I do not give more.
As I said, before moving to the last part of my career, I have a very comprehensive review of those indefinable objects that occupied so much space in my life (and possibly, although somewhat modified, it will continue to play): the monographs.
This is the list, without any precise order:
1) For English literature, wrote about the Roman works of Shakespeare (Coriolanus
Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
), concentrating on the use of rhetoric.
2) For the twentieth century, made a comparative study on the short stories of Beckett and
Uruguayan and Dance of the crazy Copi.
3) For American Literature, a monograph on the creation of alternative experiences to reality by the characters in Henry James' Turn of the Screw
The Aspern Papers.
4) For English Literature I, I wrote about
Miracles of Our Lady Berceo and Knight's book Zifar (anonymous) in relation to the construction of Christian and truly wonderful.
5) Literature Argentina For I, a very loose on Mansilla chronicles his experience with Ranqueles.
6) For Textual Grammar, a paper that is almost a long part in which he analyzed cohesion in a text of Barthes, Jijiji of the Round and "Sin" Beckett
7) For the nineteenth-century literature, wrote about the representation of the concept of nature in various works of the Marquis de Sade.
8) For the seminar on Love in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, wrote a twisted work of comparison between the Marquis de Sade and Diego de San Pedro.
9) For the seminar on literary theory in the Middle Ages, a work on the literal meaning changes in different authors of the medieval Christian hermeneutics.
10) For the seminar on Beckett, I wrote about the representation of subjectivity through scenic devices several.
11) Vedda seminar worked figure of Superman in Jack London (
The Sea Wolf) and Jules Verne (
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Mysterious Island
12) For the seminar Erasmus wrote about the use of resources in some
satirical Symposia, The complaint of peace, and Praise of Folly .
13) In Latin I analyzed the eroticism and modernity in
Marti Versos sencillos.
14) For Theory II, I wrote about the place of the narrator and their attributes in
The forgotten common Sylvia Molloy and
writing or life in Semprún .
15) In Theory III, did a study on sleep in the sun
Bioy Casares in relation to the representation of science.
Much could be said of this group as heterogeneous (although more heterogeneous than either, probably). I will not try to write a quick tutorial on how to make a paper (though I did well at all, being the 8 in the literature Argentina I the lowest grade I got in a work of this kind), because the truth is that no I have so clear that it is or not must be a monograph. I would say in relation to mine, I can now look at some distance and identify some of its virtues and some of his vices recurring
- was always very thorough and even in the beginning I worried about working with literature (whether critical or literary) that was not included in the given; the best example of this are my papers on Sade, in particular that I did for nineteenth century covered a considerable philosophical field that was never worked in class.
- win almost all my papers for the details, not too sharp comments that are shaped, at best, a corpuscle of comments that exceed what is contained in the literature and sometimes can have a flight, but of course, without exaggeration.
services (the subject of my vices is that as I never caused trouble passing on a good note, I never spent systematically modified, and some of them not only corrected but gradually worsened over the years)
- shaky assumptions: although all the work I was concerned at least give the appearance of a hypothesis to test, the fact is that most of my working papers more about shafts than falsifiable assertions, I like to take a phenomenon and analyze its variations, but that approach does not correspond too well with a strong conclusion and assertive, and that is something that a good essay in principle should have
- extension: most of my papers are about 20 pages even though they usually recommend not exceeding 15, the longest all of the seminar was the medieval theory, 24 pages, I know people who have spent much anyway
- bibliographic makeup: While I'm always more or less comprehensive in the literature, I'm a little disorganized and tends to happen that I write all after a first reading, and then do the second when I have no desire to make substantial changes to my work in weaker cases this results in an unproductive use of the critical literature that manifests itself in a couple of quotes or footnotes unnecessary in others I hid it pretty well
- relative lack of value: the craziest thing I did with a work this is what de Sade and Diego de San Pedro, apart from that I decided never to break (or even expand) the limits, my issues are not too original
- lack of precision in the details of writing: while I'm pretty sure that roughly my writing is good, the truth is I'm not very attentive to detail, and many times it has been discovered that a paper that I thought has revised recontra very stupid mistakes, even in key locations as the first page, for example. not infrequently exaggerate the use of modal style "clearly" and that sort of thing.
... well, I think that's all. Some ask me to upload case studies, my attention, really funny is that they have nothing. However, if they are too curious can read I wrote about Beckett (the penultimate of the race)
on the website of Laura Cerrato seminar. Not saying it's better than I did but is among those that I consider passable.
the book most often used in my papers is undoubtedly
Anatomy of Criticism Northrop Frye, my wildcard I think not yet read it through, if I did, it was not a stretch, but stick your hand there and something comes out, even a single sentence, is like a honeycomb
continue tomorrow with Part 7; thank received congratulations again